French multinational retailer Carrefour has formed an alliance to help milk producers in France use organic farming methods.

Other members of the alliance include the Carrefour Foundation, WWF France, dairy group Laiterie de Saint Denis de l’Hôtel (LSDH), and l’association des producteurs de lait du bassin Centre (APLBC).

The project will provide financial and technical support to around 66 members of the APLBC.

LSDH and the Carrefour Foundation have agreed to give €30 and €20, respectively, to participating producers for every 1,000l that they manufacture within a two year period.

“It will help us meet the expectations of our customers who want French organic products and guarantee our supplies.”

The project will also provide an outlet for the product that they produce and as part of this initiative, including a three-year contract with Carrefour.

Carrefour’s general secretary Laurent Vallée said: “As far as organic farming is concerned, this is the first partnership of its kind. It will help us meet the expectations of our customers who want French organic products and guarantee our supplies.

“Furthermore, the long-term contracts will help us establish relationships with the producers, with us committing to purchasing volumes at fair prices. This is further evidence of our commitment to the food transition for everyone!”

The partners have also decided to develop a value chain to meet the increasing consumer demand for organic and responsible products. The milk will be collected and transported by trucks running on biomethane fuel, as well as stored and sold in eco-designed packaging, minimising the cost to the environment at all stages of the packaging’s life-cycle.