GlobalData GlobalData exists to help businesses decode the future to profit from faster, more informed decisions.
GlobalData exists to help businesses decode the future to profit from faster, more informed decisions. With access to sector-specific data, nuanced market reports and forecasts, real-time news, powerful analytics, and time-saving workflow and collaboration tools, our content universe offers a 360⁰ view of your industry.
Whether you’re looking for intelligence on research and innovation, or trying to leverage market trends across the globe, GlobalData can provide actionable insights to drive your company forward. After over 50 years of helping our clients shape the future, GlobalData’s aim remains the same: enable leadership, powered by data, and supported by us.
Covering over 20 of the world’s largest industries, our mission is to help businesses maintain an unbiased, complete, and comparable view of the sectors, markets and companies which offer them the best potential to grow.
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Company Filings Analytics Trends & Signals: Annual Report 2021
Developing a Connected Worker Roadmap
Nymi sees a world where workers are seamlessly integrated with Industry 4.0 practices. The Connected Worker is a human-centric approach to digital transformation (DX) that holds worker privacy, job satisfaction, health, and security at the forefront.
Case Study: Global Pharmaceutical Chooses Nymi Over Traditional Biometrics
A top 10 Global Pharmaceutical Company headquartered in the United States. This company required an extensive evaluation process across multiple technologies which led to a decision to deploy Nymi over iris, fingerprint, facial, and voice recognition solutions.
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