US-based Northeast Drinks Group (NDG) has announced a new canning line investment for Green Mountain Beverage (GMB).

GMB is a manufacturing and co-packing facility for canned, kegged or bottled alcoholic and speciality non-alcoholic beverages. Its offerings include ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, cider, beer and wine.

The addition of a new canning line is expected to increase the production capacity of branded and co-packing volumes at GMB by more than 600%.

Northeast Drinks Group executive David Mandler said: “We’re thrilled to be making this investment into Green Mountain Beverage.

“The new canning line will allow us to meet the growing demand for our branded volumes while creating additional capacity for our current and future co-packing customers.

“It is no secret that both alcoholic and non-alcoholic RTDs are one of the fastest-growing categories in the beverage space and this expansion will allow us to further develop long-term relationships with leading brands.”

NDG said that the new line includes a KHS filler, Angelus Seamer and BWIS material handling and packaging systems.

It will run the suite of 202 LOE ends, which include 12oz sleek and 12oz, 16oz and 19.2oz standard bodies.

Additionally, full-wrapped cartons, tray shrink and various pack options will be available.

The installation of the new line is expected to be completed by January next year.

Upon completion, GMB’s canning capacity will increase from 100 to 600 cans per minute adding 5mm cases of capacity for existing brands and for future CoPack customers.

In March, NDG signed a definitive agreement to acquire the Vermont Hard Cider Company.