In West Europe, GNRS are proving to be more popular with consumers than soymilk according to GlobalData.

The sheer innovation and thereafter versatile range of GNRS products alone is attracting consumer interest. With both flavor and curiosity being drivers across the market, oat milk has been particularly popular in France and Sweden. Notably the brand Oatly from Sweden is the driving key new brand in the milk alternative market due to clever marketing and a clearly defined target audience.

Factors for the double-digit growth of this category in the UK range from veganism, dairy-free diets, health concerns, allergies/intolerances, preference or the use of fitness/health-associated brand advocates.

Rice milk maintains its shares but is on the increase in Italy, with new major dairy player Parmalat (Lactalis) entering the market being the first to use plastic bottle packaging within this category and by using GMO free local rice.

With soymilk soon reaching maturity, GNRS will become more prominent. However, in Italy communication efforts by animal dairy-based supporters will increasingly raise doubts about the nutritional properties of such drinks.

Consumer analysts at GlobalData said “2017 will be a positive year for GNRS in West Europe and it will be extremely interesting to see what new content bases are soon to be launched on the market.”