spiritsEUROPE has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to help customers manage their environmental footprint by providing energy values on beverage labels.

This information will be paired with a website featuring full ingredients lists and other product-specific information.

The MoU was signed in the presence of the European Union (EU) health commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis during a general assembly meeting in Paris, France.

Andriukaitis said: “We live in a time where consumers increasingly want to be better informed about what they eat and drink so they can make healthier choices. I am, therefore, pleased that today the spirits sector makes a leap forward providing Europeans with that very possibility.

“I understand that many companies and associations had to get around the table to come up with the plan that I am being presented today. I congratulate the sector for these efforts and call on all producers to implement the MoU’s provisions along with the agreed parameters and timeline.”

Facilitated by the European Commission (EC), the MoU is a voluntary agreement that goes well beyond the initial commitments made by the sector in March last year.

The MoU foresees the inclusion of energy values on spirits, predicting that one in four bottles placed on the EU market will have energy information on-label by the end of 2020.

Regarding online ingredient listing, the sector is committing to indicate raw materials for all mono raw material spirits categories and vodka.

The MoU aims to put forward a common understanding and formulate a transparent self-regulatory approach that takes into account consumer information needs, as well as sector-specific aspects and the existing legal framework.

spiritsEUROPE president Christian Porta said: “Calorie information will appear on the bottles and we’ll keep developing comprehensive ingredients and nutritional information through easy-to-use online tools for our customers so they are further empowered to make an informed and responsible choice.”